Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Get Rid of Tooth Pain for Good with Root Canal Therapy in Virginia Beach, VA

If you suffer from toothaches on a regular basis, you understand how much it can interfere with your daily activities. It can be difficult to concentrate at work, and you may avoid eating certain foods or drinking cold beverages. Tooth pain doesn’t have to rule your life; the doctors at Smile by Design in Virginia Beach, VA can help you find lasting toothache relief with gentle root canal therapy. Dr. Vinita Folck and Dr. Stephanie Santos offer a complete menu of general and restorative dentistry treatments, including endodontic therapy.

How Do I Know if I Need a Root Canal Treatment?

The most common symptom associated with an infected root canal is sensitivity to cold temperatures and pain when pressure is applied to the tooth. Other signs that you may need root canal treatment include a pimple that forms on the gums, darkening of the affected tooth, and tenderness in the jaw. Fortunately, the team at Smile by Design is here to help. We will clear the tooth of all infection, fill the resultant cavity with a biocompatible material, and cap the tooth with a beautiful custom crown. You’ll be free of pain and free to smile with comfort once again.

It is important to remember that some infections deep within teeth do not cause any noticeable symptoms until the decay is quite advanced. This is yet another reason that routine checkups at your local Virginia Beach, VA dentist are so vital to lifelong oral health and beautiful, attractive smiles.

Experience Truly Gentle Root Canal Therapy

Root canal treatment may have developed a bad reputation over the years, but the truth is that this procedure is no more uncomfortable than a simple filling. Our team will make sure that you are completely comfortable before, during, and after your procedure, offering sedation dentistry for patients who need a little help relaxing at the dentist. Contact us today to schedule your visit with Dr. Folck and Dr. Santos at Smile by Design in Virginia Beach, VA. We can help you find lasting relief from toothache pain as we ensure your continued oral health for years to come. Our state-of-the-art dental practice proudly serves families from Sandbridge, Fort Story, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and beyond.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Explore Your Tooth Replacement Options with Dental Implants in Virginia Beach, VA

There are a variety of reasons that adults lose their permanent teeth, including injury, periodontal disease, decay, and more. If you have lost even one tooth, you understand the negative impact that it can have on your life on a daily basis. You don’t feel like smiling much around others, and eating your favorite foods may become exceedingly difficult. Fortunately, dental implants can help you achieve a whole smile once again. At Smile by Design, Dr. Vinita Folck and Dr. Stephanie Santos offer a comprehensive range of restorative dentistry solutions to patients in Virginia Beach, VA, including tooth replacement with dental implants.

Are Dental Implants Right for Me?

A dental implant is a tiny titanium post that is used to secure a custom restoration like a crown, a bridge, or a denture. Because an implant stimulates and supports the jaw bone, it actually aids in preserving the structure of your face as well as your remaining teeth. Patients who wore dentures for years before opting for dental implants can’t believe the difference that they make in their daily lives. Finally, you are free to eat, laugh, speak, and smile with total confidence.  

The majority of patients who are missing teeth are good candidates for dental implants. An assessment of your periodontal health and the bone density in your jaw will help to determine your candidacy, but even patients with insufficient jaw bone density may qualify for implants with the help of a bone graft. A consultation with our Virginia Beach, VA dental implants experts is your first step toward restoring your smile’s function and beauty in a way that looks and feels completely natural.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

If you are missing one or more teeth and you’d like to find out if dental implants are the right choice for you, we invite you to contact our office today to schedule your consultation with our experienced and caring team. We’ll take the time to sit down with you to discuss your unique needs and answer your questions in a way that’s easy to understand. Conveniently located in Virginia Beach, VA, our family-friendly dental practice warmly welcomes patients from throughout communities in the surrounding areas, including Fort Story, Sandbridge, Portsmouth, Norfolk, and more.