Friday, December 27, 2013

Quality, Custom-Made CEREC Crowns in a Single Hour

When a tooth becomes damaged, whether by decay or an injury, it needs to be repaired. In many cases that’s done with a dental crown. During a crown procedure, Dr. Folck or Dr. Santos will cover (or cap) your damaged tooth with a custom-made restoration that resembles the tooth they’re treating.

The goal with a crown is to restore your smile’s appearance and functionality for both the short and long term. In the short term, you’re free from the discomfort that comes with a damaged tooth; in the long term, the supportive root underneath your tooth is preserved, ensuring that your jaw stays strong. Losing a tooth, and the root underneath it, can cause the jaw to weaken and can put otherwise healthy teeth in danger of becoming lost as well. The idea behind capping a tooth with a crown is that the entire tooth is saved, and functionality and appearance are restored as well.

Traditional crowns take at least two appointments to put in place. CEREC crowns from Smile by Design take just a single appointment. In just one visit, Dr. Folck or Dr. Santos will assess your health, design your crown, and use their CEREC machine to mill a high-quality, porcelain restoration while you wait comfortably in our Virginia Beach dental office. Once your brand new CEREC crown has been completed and attached, you can leave our office feeling better about your oral health and about how you look.

Do you need help restoring a tooth with a custom-made crown? Call Smile by Design today for an appointment with Dr. Folck or Dr. Santos. We offer restorative care to patients from Virginia Beach, Fort Story, and Sandbridge.

Friday, December 13, 2013

What Are Your Oral Health Goals for 2014?

There are still a few weeks left in 2013, but that doesn’t mean you can’t start thinking about your oral health goals for 2014. In fact, now’s the perfect time to start thinking about what you’d like to change and what you’d like to do differently. With early planning, you can give your smile a fresh start for the New Year.

At Smile by Design, Dr. Santos and Dr. Folck offer a wide variety of general, cosmetic, and restorative services to help you make whatever kind of change you need. Maybe all you want is a whiter smile. With Zoom! Whitening, you can brighten your teeth by six to ten shades in about an hour. Or maybe you want a smile that looks whiter and straighter. Our Virginia Beach team can help you achieve stunning results with porcelain veneers in just two appointments.

We also offer helpful restorative services, like CEREC one-visit crowns, dentures & partials, and dental implants. Other patients may just need to commit seeing Dr. Santos or Dr. Folck more regularly for checkups and cleanings.

Do you want to schedule an appointment with Smile by Design for early January? Call us today to reserve an appointment. We will listen to your goals and design a personalized treatment plan to help you achieve the smile you’re dreaming of. Dr. Santos and Dr. Folck serve patients from Virginia Beach, Fort Story, and Sandbridge.

Friday, December 6, 2013

New Possibilities for Your Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry

We don’t have to tell you how important a healthy smile is, but a beautiful smile also has its advantages.Whether you’re hoping to make a good impression with a new client or you’re about to re-enter the dating scene, a white, dazzling smile can be to your advantage.

At Smile by Design, Dr. Stephanie Santos and Dr. Vinita Folck offer three popular cosmetic dentistry services to help patients from Virginia Beach and beyond enjoy better oral health but also improved self-esteem. Those services include:
Depending on your needs, Dr. Santos or Dr. Folck will recommend one or more service during a consultative appointment. Every plan we create is designed to deliver truly personal results. If you have any questions about what we propose, don’t hesitate to let us know. We want our patients from Virginia Beach and beyond to feel comfortable with the solution we put forward.

Often you can achieve a healthier, more beautiful smile in just one appointment, though some services require at least two. Find out how long your smile makeover could take during a consultation appointment.

Call us todayDr. Santos and Dr. Folck offer exceptional cosmetic dental care to patients from Virginia Beach, Fort Story, Sandbridge, and nearby communities.