Thursday, May 22, 2014

Pocket Depth and Periodontal Disease: What’s the Connection?

Many people know that gum disease can cause a wide variety of undesirable issues, including everything from bad breath and bleeding gums to eventual tooth loss when the condition is left untreated. However, the majority of individuals – even those who suffer from periodontal disease – don’t understand this condition and how it affects your health. At Smile by Design in Virginia Beach, VA, Dr. Vinita John Folck and Dr. Stephanie L. Santos offer a comprehensive menu of preventive and general dentistry services, including periodontal therapy.

What is Pocket Depth?

Ideally, the tissue of your gums should fit snugly around the base of your teeth, but periodontal disease changes this. Instead, pockets form along the gum line, creating the perfect place for bacteria to hide. Over time, this accumulation of bacteria can lead to the buildup of plaque and tartar, which further increases the size of the pocket. This cycle continues as the gum recedes and the infection spreads. Advanced periodontal disease can lead to complications with pregnancy, coronary artery disease, diabetes, and more.

Benefits of Periodontal Therapy

Periodontal therapy addresses the infection that causes inflammation and increased pocket depth, reducing the amount of room bacteria have to thrive in your gums. As with treatment for any other type of disease, gum disease is most effectively treated when diagnosed early.

Schedule Your Visit Today

Gum disease affects approximately three out of every four American adults; are you one of them? Because the early stages of periodontal disease don’t always present the patient with noticeable symptoms, it is important to see our doctors twice per year for routine exams and cleanings. Contact our office today to schedule your appointment with our experienced, caring team. Our practice proudly serves patients from throughout Virginia Beach, Sandbridge, Fort Story, Portsmouth, Norfolk, and beyond. 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Role of Fluoride in Your Dental Health

There are a lot of misconceptions about fluoride as it relates to health, and hundreds of sites online that offer conflicting information about its effects. At Smile by Design in Virginia Beach, VA, our doctors want you to feel informed about all aspects of oral health, including the ways in which fluoride can impact your teeth.

Fluoride: Is it Good or Bad for Teeth?

Fluoride is a naturally occurring substance that originates from an element called fluorine. It is found in its natural form in the water and many foods we drink and eat, respectively. Despite much controversy regarding its effects, the amount of fluoride found in normal tap water is not substantial enough to cause any adverse health problems. In fact, fluoride is one of the essential factors in a healthy smile.

Fluoride treatments help to remineralize teeth, offering improved strength and protection against common problems like tooth decay. Adults are advised to use a toothpaste and mouthwash that contains fluoride because of this fact, better fortifying your teeth between visits to your dentist’s office. As with any procedure or treatment performed at our office, we invite you to ask questions and raise any concerns you may have regarding fluoride treatments. We’re here as a source of accurate, up-to-date information pertaining to the overall oral health of you and your family
Schedule Your Next Visit Today

Has it been more than six months since the last time you had your teeth and gums cleaned and examined at Smile by Design? If so, then it’s time to contact our office in Virginia Beach, VA to schedule your appointment. Our experienced, caring doctors and staff look forward to helping you achieve optimal oral health through general dentistry and preventive services, all while welcoming you into a warm, comforting atmosphere. Our family-friendly practice happily serves patients from throughout Virginia Beach, as well as the surrounding areas of Fort Story, Portsmouth, Norfolk, Sandbridge, and beyond.